
聖誕節當天下午Bone邀我去BBQ,我帶了 Effie 一起去。亞拉河畔的悠閒,讓我找回一些感覺,旅行的感覺、堅強的感覺。

隔天 Boxing Day 和小豬, David, Effie, Nikki 一起去吃金輝飲茶,吃飽之後我們三個女生在 Hobar Town, DFO 逛街。我買了兩本很棒的筆記本、兩件上衣和一雙慢跑鞋。逛完街三個人再一起去 Grill 吃漢堡。今天總共花了一百多塊,吃飽喝足、也買到喜歡的東西,想不到在澳洲也可以物質上如此的滿足。下午接到好友慰問的訊息,是我這兩天最大的安慰。

晚上回家看澳洲電視台播放的 Titanic,第一次看沒中文字幕的鐵達尼,也第一次如此認真的回味鐵達尼。這次最讓我印象深刻的是 Jack 在最後對 Rose 說的話

Rose: I love you, Jack.
Jack: Don't you do that, don't say your good-byes. Not yet, do you understand me?
Rose: I'm so cold.
Jack: Listen, Rose. You're gonna get out of here, you're gonna go on and you're gonna make lots of babies, and you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old... an old lady warm in her bed, not here, not this night. Not like this, do you understand me?
Rose: I can't feel my body.
Jack: Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
Rose: I promise.
Jack: Never let go.
Rose: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.




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